Oral Session Guidelines
Presentation time : 10 minutes total (include introduction, setup, etc.)
・7 mins for presentation, 2 mins for discussion, 1 min for changeover.
・The bell ring at 6 mins (1min before end) and 7 mins.
Equipments :
・projector (HDMI-A type cable)
・screen (recommended slides with 16:9 ratio)
・laser pointer (with presentation clicker function)
・pc for the presentation (If you are presenting other than Microsoft PPT, you can use your own PC)
Others :
・Presenters should gather on the left front of the conference hall 10 mins before your session.
Upload Guidelines
・The presenters must upload the presentation materials to the designated folder in advance.
Upload your materials from following link by 25th July, 2023.
Link ➡ https://mizuno.app.box.com/f/72bdce94365d455790d5dd06196f9b01
・Set the name of the file as following rule : Date_Presentation ID_Your name.pptx
(ex) 230623_50_Daisuke Kogawa.ppt)
Poster Session Guidelines
Display guidelines :
・The poster session will be taken place at Gymnastic hall at the Canal Port.
・The poster panels set up are for A0 size poster (Height 1189 mm x Width 841 mm).
・Pins will be provided for you to affix your poster to the board.
・You can post your poster from the first day of the symposium (26th July ) until 13:00 on the
last day of the symposium (28th July).
・Please refer to the venue map on the another page for the layout.
Others :
・Removal and collection of poster is the responsibility of the presenter. Posters not removed
by the 13:00 on the last day will be removed and disposed of by the conference staff.