Keynote Speakers
The rich research tapestry that foreshadowed Advanced Footwear Technology and what it suggests for the future.

Dr, E. C. “Ned” Fredericka
Exeter Research, Inc., Brentwood, NH USA

Dr. Darren J. Stefanyshynb
Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, AB, Canada

Dr. Wouter Hoogkamerc
Department of Kinesiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA USA
a For more than 45 years, Dr. Frederick has been actively investigating the links between performance, biomechanical adaptations, and the mechanical characteristics of sport shoes. His meandering career has led him through stints as a key executive at two major footwear brands, four academic appointments, and long-term consulting partnerships with several sport shoe companies. Over the years he has been a collaborator on more than 100 scientific reports, seven books, and several book chapters. He has been granted 18 US and foreign patents and has designed and developed widely used instruments for measuring biomechanically relevant mechanical characteristics of footwear and materials. He was chair of the Footwear Biomechanics Group in 2006-7, is the current editor-in-chief of Footwear Science and was the inaugural recipient of the Career Excellence Award in Footwear Science in 2019.
bDarren Stefanyshyn obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering with a Specialization in Biomechanics from the University of Calgary. He is a Professor in the Human Performance Laboratory and holds an Adjunct appointment in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering. His research interests include footwear biomechanics, sport equipment, performance and injury. For over twenty-five years he has collaborated on a wide variety of basic and applied footwear projects with numerous industry partners. He is a past Chairperson of the Footwear Biomechanics Group, and past Executive Board Member of the Canadian and International Societies of Biomechanics. He previously served as an Associate Editor of Footwear Science and has authored approximately 150 journal research papers and over 300 technical industry reports.
cWouter Hoogkamer, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where he runs the Integrative Locomotion Laboratory (UMILL). His lab uses a comprehensive approach to study human locomotion, integrating neurophysiology, biomechanics and energetics. Dr. Hoogkamer’s work covers the full health spectrum, from gait neuromechanics in older adults with increased fall risk to running energetics in sub-elite marathon runners. His lab is currently studying robotic footwear for gait rehabilitation, road running shoes, track spikes and trail running shoes. He runs daily and is probably the only person to have run both a sub 49 seconds 400m and a sub 6 hours 50 mile.
Low Running offers a way to make recreational distance running a viable physical activity option for more people

Dr. Dirk De Clercq
Biomechanics of Human Movement
Ghent University
Em. Prof. dr. Dirk De Clercq is doing collaborative research at the Laboratory for Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement, part of the Sport Science Laboratory Jacques Rogge in the Department for Movement and Sport Sciences, Ghent University (Belgium). Prof dr. Veerle Segers is head of the Biomechanics lab.
Our research targets individuals of all ages and of all physical abilities and involves both laboratory and field testing. A first research line is on locomotion biomechanics and focuses on better understanding and the modulation of loading in distance running.
In a second line, locomotion related injury risk factors are determined and translated to broader intervention studies. Subsequently, primary preventions of sports injuries, e.g. by augmentation of intrinsic loading capacities, are designed (IMP protocol), tested (RCT studies) and evaluated (RE-AIM). In a third line of research we perform sports biomechanical analysis in situ.
Last years, Dirk combines these insights and methods for “tuning” distance running as a life-long healthy physical activity.
Funding comes from EU, National scientific funding agencies, Ghent University and Charities. Services research is conducted for several international athletic footwear companies.
Dirk is founding member of the ISB Working Group on Functional Footwear, former board member of the Footwear Biomechanics Group and member of the Editorial board of Footwear Science. Co-author of the 2005 and 2009 NIKE Footwear Research Award from the FBG.
Publications and PhD’s:
University-business collaborations and tech transfer activities are facilitated in the framework of the Ghent University consortium
Human augmentation researches toward Digital Servitization of Healthcare and Sports business

Dr. Masaaki Mochimaru
Human Augmentation Research Center
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Masaaki Mochimaru studied Mechanical Engineering and Ergonomics at Keio University in Japan, where he received his Master in Mechanical Engineering and PhD in Engineering. In 1993, he joined The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) as a researcher. In 2001, he was assigned as the deputy director of Digital Human Laboratory of AIST. In 2010, he launched and directed Digital Human Research Center of AIST. Through 2015-2018, he directed Human Informatics Research Institute of AIST. After November 2018, he directs a new research center, Human Augmentation Research Center of AIST. His research interests are related to measurement and modeling of human functions and their applications. In recent years, his research interests are expanded to service engineering and servitization. Through 1997 to 2016, he was the chair of ISO TC159 (ergonomics)/SC3 (anthropometry and biomechanics). He was appointed as the chair of ISO TC 324 (sharing economy) in 2019, and also appointed as the chair of ISO PC 329 (consumer incident investigation guideline).
The importance of prescription footwear for children with neurological conditions.

Dr Nicky Eddison
Associate Professor / Consultant Orthotist
Staffordshire University and the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.
Dr Nicky Eddison received her PhD in biomechanical optimisation of ankle-foot orthoses and footwear combinations in 2018 from Staffordshire University and currently holds the position of Association Professor at the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies at Staffordshire University. In 2021, Dr Eddison became the first Consultant Orthotist in the history of the UK National Health Service and was recently appointed as the Vice Chair/Chair-elect of the British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists.
Dr Eddison has a portfolio of peer-reviewed publications, achieving impact within the orthotics profession both nationally and internationally and across the wider healthcare domain of Allied Health Professions. Her research interests include biomechanical optimisation, prescription footwear, gait analysis, digitalisation in healthcare, and health inequalities.